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VALUE PACK Super Glow In The Dark Resin Additives - GREEN and AQUA

VALUE PACK Super Glow In The Dark Resin Additives - GREEN and AQUA

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price $36.00 USD Sale price $30.00 USD
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Description / Details

VALUE PACK - 1oz. by weight of each color. 

These are the strongest glow in the dark additives we've found, we've put them in a clean and easy to use tube with a fine dispenser tip. Just mix a small amount of this dry additive with your resin.  Make it last by pouring thin layer with glow, then a clear layer with graphics.

These are our favorites because:

- They are neutral in color before you charge them up, so they don't throw off color schemes. 

- Consistency is a fine granule, like the stuff in an hourglass, so it doesn't float all over and make a mess. 

- And they hold a charge like no other.

KEEP DRY.    GHS Compliant.

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